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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Nov 16, 2019

Helping IT and Tech businesses owners increase sales, profit, and productivity has always been our goal at the Innovate to Success IT Experts Growth Academy. And I am very excited to officially launch the podcast.

We had been in the podcasting space for a few years now and has always been getting very good feedback on how much our podcast has helped business owners take their businesses to the next level. So, now we have a show exclusively for IT and Tech businesses.

In this launch episode, I share with you the purpose of the podcast and what it is all about. Essentially, we are here to help you to get confidence to get better at working ON your business rather than been consumed IN your business.

In this episode, we share with you our DRIVE for Business model, our very own tried and tested model which revolves around five (5) steps. They are:

  1. Personal Development – your vision of you and your business, where do you want to go and what do you want to do. This section helps you to scale your business.
  2. Business Development – learning how to thrive as a business and increase your sales.
  3. People Planning – this is all about understanding your people and getting more out of them.
  4. Finance and Commercial – here we include packaging your deals, and making sure that you are getting paid, ultimately increasing your profits.
  5. Business Performance – Finally it’s all about KPI’s and measuring your performance because “What gets measured, gets done”.

We also cover off who we are helping, why we are helping them, and how we can help you.

So basically, we aim to achieve three things for you with in this podcast.

They are:

  1. Increase your sales.
  2. Increase your profit.
  3. Making yourself and your teams more productive.

To contact Ian, feel free to e-mail connect with him on Linkedin or at

This is the first episode in the IT Experts Growth Academy Podcast.

We are going to be coming out to you weekly with amazing content – information, interviews, and more value to help you to focus time to work ON your business, rather than being consumed working IN your business