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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Nov 23, 2020

Shiny Ball Syndrome happens when you lose focus on the tasks that matter because you find something else more exciting and interesting, you get distracted and fall off your plan. Next thing you know, you've abandoned your original plan altogether and are back to square one.  

So, today we will talk about 7 important tips and tricks that would help you ensure that you don't fall victim to the 'Shiny Ball Syndrome' and simply get more of what matters done! 

Step 1: 

Set up a Plan - Make sure it is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, realistic, and Time-bound, ). Also, have it reviewed by your management team. 

Step 2: 

Break Down Plan into Monthly and Weekly Targets - Break your plan down into bite-size chunks of activities.  

Step 3:  

Assign Accountability - Hold the right people accountable. Make sure that you are assigning tasks to the people who have the capacity to do it. 

Step 4: 

Block Time in Calendar - Book a meeting with yourself to make sure you have the time to work ON your business rather than IN your business. 

Step 5: 

Turn Off Distractions - Whether it is your phone, email, or apps, when you are in your meeting with yourself or with your team, make sure to avoid all kinds of distractions. 

Step 6: 

Give Yourself a Reward - When you are achieving your goals, don't forget to reward yourself and your team.   

Step 7:

Get Yourself Some Accountability - There is no better way to get something done in your week than holding yourself accountable.   

I hope you start implementing these steps and you'll find how these can help you improve your overall productivity and results. 

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Till next time, you look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!