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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Jan 3, 2022

Happy New Year to you all!

As you know, at IT Experts, we dedicate all our time and talent to help IT & MSP businesses succeed and we have put together these 12 steps to help you get 2022 off to a flying start!. 

With each step, you can do every month or once a week, as it is a straightforward guide that you can follow throughout the year to grow your IT & MSP business to your next level. 

Here are the 12 steps, and of course, I went on and discussed every single one of them. 

  1. Have a compelling Vision.
  2. Create your Company and Personal Values.\
  3. Align your team with your new the Vision and Values.
  4. Set company KPIs.
  5. Set individual targets.
  6. Create your Marketing Model.
  7. Upgrade your Sales planning - align language and your value proposition.
  8. Niche your Marketing – TEST TEST and TEST some more!
  9. Get good at Sales.
  10. Get great referrals and create a scheme for your clients.
  11. Hang around with legends and people that can help you.
  12. Measure what matters. 

With that, I also leave you off with my final thoughts which also means my two greatest tips as you follow these 12 steps, and they are: 

  1. Get an accountability buddy.
  2. Take one day at a time. 

It’s only the first week of the year and we are not kidding when we say that we only want to help your MSP business grow, so start your year right and follow these 12 simple steps. 

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoy creating it. Again, have a happy and prosperous 2022! 

At IT Experts, we have years of experience helping IT & MSP Business of all sizes to leverage their talents and take back control so they can scale confidently. 

To connect with us and find out how we can possibly help, simply book an intro call straight into my diary here:-

If we’re not connected already, let’s connect on LinkedIn, YouTube and over here at our website, 

Alternatively, you can drop me an email at 

Until next time, you look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!