Jan 17, 2022
Mark starts off by sharing a bit about himself, what he does and who he helps, but this time, it’s all relating to MSP website success
Kicking off this episode, I ask Mark why websites are so important in the sales process. Mark says that you are what you are online and unless you portray yourself in the right way, no one will know about you. If you portray yourself in the wrong way, people will get an impression of you that isn’t necessarily true.
Mark and I then tackled the biggest mistake that MSPs are making on their websites, and he gave us two. The first one is the complete lack of personality, and the second one is the complete lack of understanding of key phrases. He then explains each and why it's important to correct these two mistakes.
We also talk about and weigh each other’s opinions on the number one objective that an MSP needs to achieve from the website itself. Mark thinks that the objective is the website being there to start a conversation. I add that it’s not just about the website but your collective online presence.
We continued on to talk about a little bit of marketing, pillar content, and vertical niche.
Mark and I then discuss Google My Business and we weigh in why it is important for the website. Mark says it is because of the immediate social proof you get when you search for an individual company, and it absolutely affects rankings. We also talk about desktop wallpapers as an underused asset for an MSP.
Wrapping up the episode, we both then tackled the good old CTA (Call to Action) and the things that MSPs can do to make sure they increase their conversions. According to Mark, it starts on the homepage, and its whole point should be to start a story. He then explains full circle why it’s very relevant.
So, I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as Mark and I had fun creating it (You can tell!). This is truly an episode full of great advice, tips, tricks, and of course value bombs that will surely help you achieve website success in your MSP.
If you want to get in touch with Mark and/or get a hold of his Website Success 101 checklist, simply click here – https://mspsitehub.com/
At IT Experts, we have years of experience helping IT & MSP Business of all sizes to leverage their talents and take back control so they can scale confidently.
To connect with us and find out how we can possibly help, simply book an intro call straight into my diary here:- http://bit.ly/ite-introcall
If we’re not connected already, let’s connect on LinkedIn, YouTube and over here at our website, innovatetosuccess.com
Alternatively, you can drop me an email at info@innovatetosuccess.com
Until next time, you look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!