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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Jan 31, 2022

Kicking off this high-energy episode, Paul briefly talked about his pre-MSP Marketing career which went from his 13-year experience in the radio broadcasting industry to starting a PR agency to general Marketing and finally to ‘marrying’ MSP Marketing. 

Paul then continued to introduce and share what he does now with MSP Marketing. 

We went straight directly to MSP Marketing trends, and I ask him about the difference between generic Marketing and MSP Marketing. Paul briefly shares that this year, 2022, and the next 2 years, the way we do marketing is going to be affected by Covid. He thinks that the thing that makes MSP Marketing different is that there is no other world like the world of MSPs. 

Customers don’t buy technology. They buy relationships. They buy ‘help me sleep at night’. They buy trust. 

According to Paul, your MSP Marketing strategy not only for 2022 but for the next 20 years is to build a relationship with your leads and prospects before they are ready to pick a new MSP. He then explains how and why, which I then relate that it all surrounds around trust. 

We then tackled the key ways that MSPs can make use of the marketing mediums to help build that trust and Paul says answers with a few relevant things like meetings and LinkedIn which are actually your tactics.  

This is where Paul discusses the difference between strategy and tactics. First and foremost, you set a goal.  

Then, your marketing strategy is a three-step process which are as follows: 

  1. Build multiple audiences.
  2. Build a relationship with them.
  3. Commercialize the relationship. 

Once you’ve got your goal and strategy, you then implement the strategy with the tactics that are appropriate to you. 

Paul recommends making your email list as your number one tactic and LinkedIn coming in as your number two.  

The key thing to get both right is to put out both educational and entertainment content, or as he calls it, “edu-tainment”. I then add up that the only way to know if it works is to test it. 

Paul and I then talk about LinkedIn. We weighed in whether it’s better to find your prospects and support the content they put out there or having prospects that support your content and contacting them when they do. 

LinkedIn’s algorithm changes all the time, so Paul broke both points down and explains which one he believes is better than the other. 

Marketing for MSP is a numbers game and a game of timing. Multi-touch marketing is the key. 

Wrapping up the episode, Paul gives us his top tip on where people need to get started with LinkedIn and those are the three C’s. 

  • Connect 
  • Content 
  • Contact 

He then explains why these are high key things. 

I hope you enjoyed this high-energy and fun-filled episode. I suggest you listen to this as many times as you need to get every bit of value this episode offers because there is not a second of this episode that doesn’t scream value.  

If you want to learn more about Paul Green’s marketing services, simply click here -  

And to get a copy of Paul’s book, click here -  

At IT Experts, we have years of experience helping IT & MSP Business of all sizes to leverage their talents and take back control so they can scale confidently.  

To connect with us and find out how we can possibly help, simply book an intro call straight into my diary here:-  

Alternatively, you can drop me an email at 

Until next time, you look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!