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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Sep 27, 2021

As usual, we kicked off the show with Jay sharing more about who he is, what he does, and who he helps. Jay shares a little more about his amazing career and experience over the years and how he has been in the middle of the MSP space.  

Jay also shares his DISC profile and how it contributed to his career experience...

Sep 20, 2021

In today's episode, we are joined by Luke Mead from the LMS Group, a multi-7 figure MSP -- which started at the age of 15, while working at a part-time job cleaning gravy pans one fateful Wednesday in a local restaurant 

Luke started the business so young at his parents' dining room and still needed to be driven to...

Sep 5, 2021

In the business world, especially within the IT & MSP space, there had been and there will always be attacks. It’s just a case of how they present themselves in the world. In this episode, we learn and understand how to react to them and most importantly, how to respond to them. 

We kicked off the episode with...