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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Nov 22, 2021

Now, first of all, I gave a brief overview of my background and how IT Experts came about. Then I shared some relevant statistics that correlate to why we need to improve the quality of Leadership in our IT & MSP Businesses. 

I also weighed in the difference between MSP Management and MSP Leadership, topics that business owners think might be the same, but isn’t. 

In short, the 3 pillars to MSP leadership success are: 

  1. Personal Leadership
  2. Strategic Leadership
  3. Team Leadership 

I discussed and explained them one by one, the relevant key points they come with, and why they are so crucial and important in being an MSP business owner. 

I also shared some important subjects in this keynote like the Foundations of a Successful Business, The Leadership Growth Mindset, Shadow of the Leader, and brief information about The MSP Growth Hub that houses a recent business venture I started with my new partner, Stuart Warwick, and that is the MSP Mastery. 

Finally, I gave the attendees a 90-Day Leadership Development Plan, which is a guide that MSP business owners can strategically follow to be a more successful MSP business leader. 

I hope you enjoy the show, this was a great session and presentation and we at IT Experts just love sharing it with you. 


At IT Experts, we get up every morning to help IT & MSP Businesses thrive, IF you're looking to take your business to your next level and don’t know where to start, then let’s connect and we can organise some free support.  

All you need to do to learn more is click this link :-  

If we’re not connected already, let’s connect on LinkedIn, YouTube and over here at our website, 

Alternatively, you can drop me an email at 

Until next time, you look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!