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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Dec 27, 2021

It has been a long year, and it made perfect sense to look back at the most downloaded episodes that resonated with the MSP community the most. 

We have made so many connections over that last year and we didn’t let the travel restrictions get in the way!  Many I am now proud to call great friends!  

Here's our top 10 episodes for this year, to listen to the individual shows, just click the titles. 

#10 - EP035- Getting Productive and Profitable with Your PSA with Chris Timm and Ian Luckett 

We had a great chat with my friend, Chris Timm about everything you need to learn about why you need a PSA, and how to make the most out of it. 

#9 - EP033 – MSP Business Growth Strategy 101 with Ian Luckett 

In this short, sharp, punchy episode of the IT Experts Podcast, I talked about 5 of the key MSP business growth strategy elements that you can easily adapt in your IT & MSP business.    

#8 - EP046 – Returning to the Hybrid Office with Ian Luckett 

In another one of our Break Fix episodes, and in this one, I shared 3 strategies or tips to get staff back into the office, get them working, and keep them engaged. If you have a team, this episode is for you! 

#7 - EP061 – IT Channel Predictions with Jay McBain from Forrester 

In this episode, we are joined by Jay McBain -- this guy is a powerhouse of data! If you are an MSP owner and you want to know about upcoming trends in the MSP space, you should check this out, there's so much value in this episode! 

#6 - EP063 – The Pillars to MSP Success with Karl Palachuk and Ian Luckett 

In Episode 63 are joined by the godfather of the MSP, the legendary Karl Palachuk. He is a pioneer of managed services with over more than 2 decades in the channel, check out his tips and tricks in client management, profitability, and service delivery to help MSP business owners succeed. 

#5 - EP059 – Straight Talking Cyber Security with Mostyn Thomas and Ian Luckett 

Mostyn Thomas, a fellow ITBetweeners and CEO of Astrix, has joined us for this episode as we help you get your head around security and cyber threats that will challenge your IT & MSP business. 

#4 - EP034 – Perfect MSP Pricing with Nigel Moore & Ian Luckett 

Nigel has written a couple of books now around perfect MSP pricing (including how you should be packaging your services) and how to operate an MSP. He is an absolute legend, and this is a must-listen to episode! 

#3 - EP040-Understanding Your MSP Digital Marketing Footprint with Ayan Adam and Ian Luckett 

I met Ayan at Clubhouse (the social audio app), she is a digital marketer in the MSP space, and in this episode, we were talking about your MSP's digital footprint, how important it is and what are the top tips and tricks that you should be adapting in your business. 

#2 - EP032 – MSP Cold Calling Secrets with John Montgomery and Ian Luckett 

In at #2 is John Montgomery -- the Cold Calling King, and in this episode, we talked about real and working MSP cold calling tactics that will help you get the best results for your IT & MSP business. 

#1 - EP060 – MSP Success Stories – The LMS Group with Luke Mead & Ian Luckett 

And in our # 1 spot, the episode that resonated to our listeners the most -- is the success story of LMS group and Luke Mead! In this episode, we talked about how he started back when he was in his teens being drove around by his dad as he fixes people's computers -- fast forward to today with his deck chairs and very own pub inside the LMS headquarters! 

Did your favourites make it? 

At IT Experts, we have years of experience helping IT & MSP businesses of all sizes to leverage their talents and take back control so they can scale confidently.  

To connect with us and find out how we can possibly help, simply book an intro call straight into my diary here:- 

If we’re not connected already, let’s connect on LinkedIn, YouTube and over here at our website, 

Alternatively, you can drop me an email at 

Until next time, you look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!