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IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett

Dec 13, 2024

Julie Hutchison kicks off by addressing what many of us know as "imposter syndrome," though she’s quick to debunk the term. It’s not a syndrome, she explains; you’re not broken. Instead, it’s a very human response that stems from our brain’s primitive mechanisms for survival. Drawing on the analogy of a caveman running from a lion, Julie highlights how our amygdala – a small but powerful part of our brain – is constantly scanning for threats. While this helped keep our ancestors alive, today it manifests in ways that can hold us back, like procrastination, perfectionism, or a fear of failure. 

Julie Hutchison explains that imposter syndrome tends to rear its head in situations where the challenge is high, and the support is low. This dynamic creates a fertile ground for self-doubt, fear, and inaction. Whether it’s a business owner hesitating to approach a big client, or someone avoiding a difficult team conversation, the root cause is often the same: the brain perceives these situations as threats, triggering a fight, flight, or freeze response. Julie encourages listeners to normalise these feelings. After all, over 70% of people report experiencing imposter syndrome at some point. Acknowledging that this is a universal human experience can be a huge relief and a powerful first step towards overcoming it. 

A key takeaway from this episode is the importance of support. Julie Hutchison emphasises that when faced with high challenges, increasing your support levels can make a world of difference. This could mean reaching out to peers, joining a community, or even just having an honest conversation with a trusted mentor. Normalising these challenges within a supportive environment helps to calm the nervous system, shifting us out of panic mode and into a space where we can think and act more clearly. In fact, Julie points out that simply talking about our fears can reduce their intensity and make them feel more manageable. 

One standout moment in the episode is Julie Hutchison’s advice on calming our biology. When we’re stuck in inaction, it’s often because our bodies are in a heightened state of stress. Julie suggests simple techniques like shaking out your energy, taking a deep breath, or even having a laugh with others to bring your nervous system back to a place of calm. From there, you’re in a much better position to tackle the challenge at hand. 

We also touch on how limiting beliefs, often formed during childhood, can contribute to feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. Whether it’s something a teacher, parent, or peer once said, these beliefs can lodge in our subconscious and shape the way we view ourselves and our capabilities. Julie encourages listeners to challenge these outdated beliefs and replace them with a more objective, empowered perspective. The goal isn’t to ignore the challenge but to balance it with the right level of support and self-awareness. 

One of the most inspiring parts of this episode is when we discuss the power of peer groups. I share a story from a recent MSP Growth Hub meeting, where one business owner openly admitted feeling out of control. What followed was a roomful of peers offering support, sharing their own experiences, and ultimately normalising what could have felt like a solitary struggle. Julie Hutchison highlights how valuable these communities can be, providing not only practical guidance but also the emotional reassurance that you’re not alone. 

For those who might be tackling challenges solo, Julie suggests starting by increasing your own support structures. Whether that’s tapping into resources like AI tools (yes, even ChatGPT!), joining a network of like-minded professionals, or seeking advice from a coach, the key is to avoid isolating yourself. High challenges don’t have to be faced with low support. 

To wrap up, Julie Hutchison leaves us with an important reminder: you are not alone and feeling stuck or unsure is not a sign of failure. It’s a sign of being human. By acknowledging your feelings, seeking support, and taking small steps forward, you can start to overcome the barriers that hold you back. As always, the MSP Growth Hub is here to help you through these challenges, with resources, coaching, and a supportive community ready to assist. 

Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


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Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!